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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Why I Write...

It all began when I was eleven years old. Okay, maybe even before then. I've always had a massive imagination, a place where other characters lead out their daily lives and adventures while generally trying to distract me from my daily life and adventures. When I was eleven, I started writing a story. I mapped out a world. I created characters and assigned them duties in the mapped out world. A villain, a hero, a mysterious goddess. My imaginary world had war and peace, love and prejudiced hatred. I haven't stopped writing since then.

I write because I'm driven to do it. By driven I mean I have muses lined up to tell me their stories and let me tell you, some of these muses are really weird! No clue where half of them come from. Maybe other authors shook their heads when they knocked and said, "No way. Go visit that crazy Anastasia Rabiyah and tell her your sad tale. I don't write demons or demi-gods. Shoo." I'm pretty sure that's why they're here.

My biggest struggle when I write is focussing on one tale at a time. It's a necessary evil and the only way to really get to the end of anything, but a struggle nonetheless. So far, so good. I'm stickin' to my guns and telling that long line of misfit muses they have to wait their turn.

So, I'm curious fellow authors, why did you start writing? Is it an addiction for you or something you do when you feel like it? Do you have muses too? Is it just one or many? Do they wake you up in the middle of the night and pester you like they do me, or are they polite about the whole creation process?

If you've lost your muse, come join my little author group and tell us about it. If you've found your muse after a period of loss, tell us how you did it too. If you're a reader and you want a peek into how us crazy authors think, here's the link: Lost and Found Muses .
Want to find out more about me? Check out my website: Anastasia's Home on the Web.
posted by Anastasia Rabiyah @ 10:26 PM  
  • At 10:39 PM, Blogger Gavin said…

    Hi Ana. I may need to check in on Lost and Found Muses. While I need to find a muse to help me creatively, I also need to find the productivity fairy and the revision elf. All I do is sleep and play computer games! Agh!

  • At 9:15 PM, Blogger A.C. Croom said…

    A muse?

    Dang gal...if you tell me where the line starts with yours I will send mine to join them. On second thought, I'd be lost without her.

    The muse is a good thing and a soft whisper in your ear is not a shout. Let them have their way's been good for you up to now after all!

    Thank You for reminding me that a gentle push helps tell the story!

  • At 4:44 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    I started writing right around eleven, too. It was a skit for a school program. lol


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